Happy New Year!
It’s 2019! Now we get to hit the do-over button! January 1st is one of my favorite days…Football, food & laziness, followed by hitting the Do-over button?
I love the Do-Over button! Others might call it a fresh start, I prefer to be less formal. New year = new goals to meet, exceed or try again in areas we fell short. Gym memberships soar the month of January because THIS YEAR IS THE YEAR! This is the year that good ol’ Sally Skinnysoon is going to lose 20 lbs. on that keto diet and Tommy Tummyistobig will actually walk into the gym for the first time in a decade. Matt Moneybags is going to double his income and Eve Entrepreneur is going to quit her corporate job and start that bakery she’s been dreaming of. Who knows if they’ll succeed in any of the above, but they sure are going to try!
I’m guilty of setting a goal or a new year resolution that simply just turns into words in my head or on paper. Maybe the goal just doesn’t have true meaning or move me enough to feel that failure isn’t an option. Maybe they’re someone else’s goals for me. Outside of the usual ADD, I can easily be derailed when life gets in the way. For example, death or illness of a family member, or say…getting cancer! I mean, if I’m gonna get derailed, it should probably be something big, right?
Sarcasm aside, I’m over being derailed! It’s been proven to me one to many times in the past 5 years that life is going to throw a curveball without warning so I better be able to deal, adapt and do my best to stay the course. Simply put, my new year resolution is to NOT be derailed regardless of the BS that gets thrown at me. Hopefully 2019 throws good derailing material for me to juggle, if anything.
Being realistic in our goal planning is also pretty key! We want to excel at work, at home, at the gym, we want to improve ourselves physically & mentally, grow our bank accounts, spend less, love more, the list goes on. We, as humans, WANT to be our best self at all times. We WANT perfection, or maybe just appear to be perfect. The expectations we set for ourselves are often RIDICULOUS! So I vote it’s time to stop! I don’t mean stop setting goals, just stop being so hard on ourselves and unrealistic. Turn wants into needs with less talking and more doing. Sound Familiar??
My 2019 theme as stated in one of my first blogs is “just do it”, good ol’ Nike providing us with shoes AND motivational words. So there ya have it! “Just Do It & Don’t get Derailed” sounds good for 2019.
This year for me is going to be the year OF me. Yep, call me selfish, but I’m putting me on the priority list. Of course my family and business are top of mind too, but obviously my health is key and I need to just be consistent with some life changes. If we are consistent in ANYTHING, we will eventually reach the pot of gold at the end…right?
One thing that’s clear for this year and many to come is that “life happens”. Bad shit is going to happen and we just have to keep on keeping on. I started writing this post two days ago, the first day of 2019. I’ve had a bit of writers block or maybe just in a mental funk at the launch of the year. I keep starting and stopping and honestly not real sure what (not so profound) point I want to get across, but am still bound and determined to finish this damn post today? It might sound babbling or redundant, but I’m doing it, because I’ve committed to doing it as part of healing/therapy. It’s working, but getting more difficult as time goes by.
Today, I’m 3. 5 weeks from surgery and I’m over it. I want to sleep on my side, I want to wake without pain, I want to exercise, I want to be healed. As mentioned in previous posts. I have little patience with this kind of stuff. Had Dr. apt this morning to check on my (open) abdominal wound and see how it’s healing. It’s doing average, but since the news that chemo is on the horizon, it’s suggested we head back into the OR to close it up. THAT BLOWS! I’d prefer to let it just heal from the inside out and push the chemo off but we’ll just see how it plays out.
I knew my surgical choice was ambitious and many reading this still may be clueless as to what I did and how breast cancer leads to abdomen incision/wound. So here’s a Link to learn more about the procedure. A basic reminder – I had double mastectomy with IMMEDIATE DIEP flap reconstruction. The immediate reconstruction part = a longer surgery with a longer recovery. BUT, my body is being lamo and is healing slower than it should. Lack of proper nutrition/vitamins before, during and after surgery could be a part of it. I’ve juiced, done protein shakes and the like, but hitting 180 grams of protein a day is tough and I’m sure I haven’t hit it once. UGH!
I’m pretty pissed that chemo is in the start to 2019. It will most likely start in February and maybe go until the summer. I will know for sure January 9th. There’s part of me that just wants to blow it off which probably sounds stupid. There appears to be data backing up that it will decrease the % of reoccurrence but whose to say I can’t do that myself? Who’s to say the discipline fairy won’t bite me on the ars and help turn me into a self healing nutritionist. Well, maybe that goes back to the realistic goals conversation of earlier.
Regardless, I refuse to be derailed this year. As I set my REALISTIC goals, I’ll just need to plan accordingly and try not to take on to much. We’ll see??♀️ I’m VERY ready to get back into a normal daily routine & back into the office when the kids go back to school Monday. This lounging stuff is for the birds!!
Happy New Year All & Enjoy hitting your do-over buttons ? ?
Dene…I’m so sorry you are going through this. You are so positive and that is half the battle and you have support with your family & friends. Stay positive and keep the faith on this journey. I’ll be praying for you!
Love, Barb Kaifas
Great post and you have and a very appropriate outlook Dene’. Parts of this will definitely stink, but you’ll get through it and you’ll likely look back and say “I wouldn’t have changed a thing.” Look forward to an update subsequent your appointment on January 9th…
Take it one day at a time! You are a very brave, strong and inspiring woman !
I love reading your posts, stay positive girl, you got this and you have a ton of family and friends supporting you every step of the way!!!!
Keep on keeping on!!! It’s a long journey and I admire your strength, candidness and humor / wittiness! I hope you have the comfort, closeness and familiarity of friends / family when you need it and the space, peace and quiet when you need that too. Happy New Year! ❤️