Next Thursday marks the LAST of my 16 chemo sessions! Hard to believe I started treatment January 31st. Some months passed quickly, others dragged on. I’m so ready for it to be over. I’m ready for the hot flashes and restless nights to (hopefully) subside. I’m ready to enjoy a Wednesday where “F! I have chemo tomorrow” doesn’t cross my mind. I’m ready for my muscles not to ache days after and to get back into an exercise routine. But there’s one thing I’m going to miss…my chemo buddies.
I’m blessed with great friends and family and have been able to sit with many of them for 3+ hours to laugh and catch up on life. It truly has made this phase much easier. Even though each time I was getting ready to be picked up or even riding in the car I’d have a moment of anxiety that I was introducing a new person to this experience or struggling with the difficulty of depending on someone, I’m glad I let them share the experience with me. So cheers and thanks to:
Family – HUBS Jimmy, daughter Maria, brother Troy Dixon, cousin Heidi Reichelderfer
Fuzzie Sisters – Lara Baumann, Shannon Diffley, Jenn Norris, Heidi Solar, Heidi Ruckel, Tricia Keels
St. Brendan BFF’s – Laurie Dougherty, Melissa Hornik, Bridget Carlino
Long time friends – Erin Gassin & Kelly Drake.
It’s a bit poetic and perfect that my last chemo will be shared with my BFF since first grade Kelly Drake and brother Troy because they were with me from day 1 in Toledo when I found out my diagnosis. We then get to celebrate at Coaches after where anyone is welcome to join. The owners Pat & Chris Leonard are great friends and have been so generous throughout as well.
It’s going to weird the first Thursday when I get to have a routine without chemo. The experience as a whole has been great with the medical staff. The symptoms haven’t been to bad and I’ve been able to maintain a fairly “normal” life throughout. I hope & pray I NEVER have to do it again but in the grand scheme of things…it wasn’t to bad.
Thanks again to all the buddies and also to those that have dropped off meals throughout my surgeries and chemo. Without the St. Brendan community, my friends & family this process would be so much more difficult.
Next up is what I’m calling phase 3 – final surgeries to remove chemo port, fine tune reconstruction and then hopefully fit in my hip replacement before the holidays.
Thanks again for all the support!
T-minus 6 Days ?