This morning I had to head to see the surgeon to check on my abdomen incision. A section of it isn't healing too fab so it needed checked out. I'll need to do some wound management the next few weeks, but there's no infection so all is well. Actually, all is FANTABULOUS because he also … Continue reading Happy Early Christmas!
Month: December 2018
My Best Day
12 Days post surgery and the answer to "how are you feeling?" has graduated from "ok" to "good"! Yay me! Now, tomorrow might snack me in the face and say I told you not to jinx yourself, but it's late afternoon and so far it feels like today is my best day both mentally and … Continue reading My Best Day
"The room was so quiet, you could hear the sound of a pin drop" ....Ping! Who knows if that's the correct word to describe the sound associated with the pin dropping awkwardness of the complete silence that occurs after hearing the word cancer. Even if only for a moment. Wether you have it, I have … Continue reading Ping!
outpatient surgery hump day
Happy Hump Day! This weeks Hump Day was a tad bit eventful for us, as today was my first follow-up outpatient surgery. We arrived at 8:15am (for 9:45am procedure) as requested. Only to be followed in by a lady that says "I was supposed to be here at 8am for an emergency appointment with Dr. … Continue reading outpatient surgery hump day