Wanna know what’s great about yesterday? It’s over!
Yesterday was a bit rough, but it’s par for the course. When I coach, I always tell my players to “move on, that play was sooo 5 minutes ago! There’s no point in dwelling on it, as long a you learn from your mistake and move on”. That’s the same for me regarding yesterday. The only part I’d omit, would be the “mistake” part. I’ve always struggled with showing emotion, so my rant & emotional roller coaster of yesterday I wouldn’t call a mistake. I’d call it just another day in life that I get to learn from. It’s ok to be human and feel! More importantly it’s ok to put it in front of others.
Over the years I’ve mastered the “game-face”, the ability to turn off emotions and/or compartmentalize so I don’t need to feel. Not to mention, I’m not a cute crier! You know those friends or family members that just look adorable when they cry. Not me! Maybe that’s what I should work on…be a cuter crier?
So today is a new day. There will be pain & annoyance with this BCBS but it won’t take me over. In my moment of weakness yesterday, I must say that putting myself out there to be vulnerable actually helped and made new memories!
Memories of:
~Tricia giving me the play-by play of Gina’s basketball game. She asked how she could help, I said “go watch Gina’s game because it’s 5 mins from your house”…and SHE DID! It was awesome and hilarious reading her texts while the hubs FaceTimed the game.
~Friends texting to check in as well as helping drive Julia & Maria to their activities.
~The Fuzzies keeping me engaged in the Christmas party evening with selfies. Knowing I’d be part of the late-night crew if I was in attendance, one pic came of the last soldiers standing
~Deana Deen (remember the high school friend that also just had BC surgery) messaging me to remind me that “we’re lucky…we caught it early and we’re going to have the best boobs”. She too made me laugh at a moment I needed it!!
Therefore, wether 10 or 1000 folks are reading this blog for updates on me, its definitely serving it’s purpose as being therapeutic for me.
Speaking of highlights of the day. Great grandma turned 85 yesterday! I can only hope to see that number (especially now) and she wears 85 fabulously! They gave me this bracelet of courage to keep me going as well.
You are so strong and gorgeous. There will be good and bad days. Call me anytime you feel like it. Love you. Xo. Con
Love your positivity and admire your strength! Today is a new day! Praying that each day gets better!