Have you ever done that? Stopped and smelled the roses? Me either! The saying has leverage and I get it...life is to fast and we should slow down enough to smell the roses. But I'm thinking the saying really should be just "Stop and smell the Flowers" because a Rose bush could actually be painful … Continue reading Stop and Smell the Roses
Author: fomowords
45 years old mother of 3 beautiful girls, happily married since 2000. Owner of Sanfillipo Financial. I’ve been in the insurance and fanciful service business since 1997 when I graduated from THE Ohio State University.
Breast Cancer came knocking on my door November 8, 2018. Shortly after, I decided to start this blog.
IRONY - I’ve been advising others for over 20 years on the importance of owning disability and Life Insurance as the foundation of financial planning & now I get to be my own ”testimial”.
Disease does not care who you are or how old you are....SO MAKE SURE YOU’RE PROPERLY INSURED PEOPLE! I can help ya if you need it?
So, that’s my story & I’m sticking to it!
Saturday was priceless and an evening that I'll cherish and remember forever. The support near and far is beyond my comprehension. Everyone knows someone & unfortunately many know more than one that have or are battling breast cancer. The stats are depressing. But what's infectious and takes away all the statistics, pain, tears, anger, scars … Continue reading Why
G.I. Jane-Style
Yep...this happened