''Twas the night before surgery and all through the house, every creature was stirring especially my spouse. The Pink stocking was hung from the chimney with care, many called, texted & visited, with well wishes and prayers. The children were snuggled with daddy and friends, While watching Buddy the Elf instead of going to bed. … Continue reading ‘Twas the Night Before Surgery…
Author: fomowords
Many have asked me about my diagnosis wondering how I found out. So here's the story.... I felt a lump. I didn't think to much of it because I had fibroadenoma's in the past. Halloween (Wednesday, 10-31) we were in our old neighborhood, per usual, and my old neighbor was recently diagnosed. After hearing her … Continue reading Discovery
Just Do It!
First, I'd like to thank Nike for the amazing "Just Do It" slogan. Who would've thunk those 3 words could be so profound. Earlier in the week I wrote those three words on a post-it and placed it on my monitor at the office. Throughout my life I've been known to procrastinate and maybe more … Continue reading Just Do It!
We snapped a pic of this notebefore our Elves took it off to Santa. This time of year it's hard to put everything into perspective. The kids write their list for Santa and want everything in sight. We want them to get everything just to see the excitement in their eyes and smiles on their … Continue reading Perspective