This hair loss thing is weird. The short hair was a great choice to make it less traumatic, but obviously not prevent it.
Although I have (or had) tons of hair & know it could have taken another week or so to come out completely, my selectively obsessive personality had to get rid of it. It’s odd to be able to barely tug at my hair and have it come right out. At least I was able to say “you’re making me want to pull my hair out” to the girls and actually do it?
Our close friends, the Horniks, were in Bali and had to miss THE hair event. In true great friend form, they made sure I didn’t have to do this final step alone either.
I’m thinking SNL needs to bring back the cone-heads skit and I’ll make a cameo appearance? Or maybe just a new one called…Baldilocks! The tale of a young lady that ends up hanging out with the 3 bears because she likes watching football with Papa bear, helps Momma bear make porridge and watches baby bear while Papa & Momma Bear go on a date. I’m thinkin’ Lorne Michaels might go for it???
Presidents’ Day was my first Baldilocks venture in public. Upside – it was to Mad River Mountain where everyone’s wearing a hat! We used the day off for the girls to snow board and ski. Gina and Julia enjoyed the festivities of balloon animal makers, s’mores and face-painting. Their choice of face paint was a sweet surprise for me when they returned to the table
Not sure my Mrs. Clean look will grow on me & fam, but it’s here for now. Hats, scarves and wigs is where it’s at so I better make the best of it.
You’re rocking the look, Dene! Thinking of your wonderful family and you. Hugs.
You are clearly loved by many people… I’ve never seen a better looking bald woman! Your spirit shines beautifully through your eyes.
And no hair-still a gorgeous knockout!!!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!! You have a beautiful family!! Stay strong you’ve got this!???
You are doing wonderful, and a great example to your girls that when life throws you lemons you can benefit by showing how strong you are & this ugly C-word won’t conquer you!! Stay strong!! Love you! ?
You look great and I love the girls and their Ribbon Face Paint, continued prayers and support for you ?
Beautiful!!! So much love, Dené?