I’m super thankful for my “chemo buddies”! It’s been great to have one-on-one time with friends that have volunteered to take me to chemo. I’m technically not supposed to drive myself there even though I feel fine enough to do so, BUT my fantabulous group of family & friends have made sure I’m not flying solo. It’s actually quite weird to not be as independent as usual, but I’m getting used to it. Watch out folks, I might get al needing & such enjoying all this nurturing?
It’s nice to get to catch up on months/years of life and laugh about memories of past. They get a bit more insight to my treatment world and it’s just a grand ol’ time. Of course it’s not the same as us bellying up to the bar and reminiscing, but that comes after? Ok, I’ve only gone boozing after chemo once during March Madness…couldn’t resist & didn’t regret!
Thanks chemo buddies! You rock and are completely appreciated!
Have a fab weekend all!!!