Happy Early Christmas!

This morning I had to head to see the surgeon to check on my abdomen incision. A section of it isn’t healing too fab so it needed checked out. I’ll need to do some wound management the next few weeks, but there’s no infection so all is well.

Actually, all is FANTABULOUS because he also TOOK OUT THE REST OF MY DRAINS!!! This is seriously the best Christmas-Eve gift! I feel so free! I look “normal” too! I’m ok’d to drive now too!


Merry Christmas All!!!

6 thoughts on “Happy Early Christmas!

  1. Wow your drains are gone. Hopefully I’ll get my last 2 out on Thursday. Glad you are doing better! Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas my friend!!! That is fantastic news!!! Here’s to continuing to heal and moving into the best year ever!!! I love you ?❤️??

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