11 down 5 to go! I’ve reached the point where the chemo countdown can be done on 1 hand. ?
This weeks chemo buddy was Miss Laurie Dougherty – a great friend I met through school. Her daughter and my middle, Gina, are BFF’s. The time went by fast while we aligned some summer camps and such for our daughters.
I highly recommend the chemo buddy system and am thankful to my friend that first mentioned it. She said “have Jimmy take you to the first one then have friends do it the rest of the time”. Great advice Larissa! Thanks goes out to Bridget too that set up the sign-up genius for folks to pick a date.
It’s been so great to have isolated time with each of them during the 3 hours we’re there. We catch up on life, plan life, laugh at life and are thankful for life. It’s really been a great distraction for me during the process. Again, I HIGHLY recommend the same for anyone approaching this phase.
So here’s a High Five to all my chemo buddies and the 5 treatment countdown!!