“I’m a survivor…I’m not gonna give up…I’m not gonna stop…I’m gonna work harder” THANKS Destiny’s Child for the lyrics. This song has been stuck in my head all morning. My friend Jaime Cohen sent me a sweatshirt (that says “this is what a survivor looks like) shortly after my surgery and each time I put it on I sing this song. The girls laugh and think I’m a weirdo.
Tomorrow is Race for the Cure. It’s not to late to register or donate if you’d like – Here’s link to my page. My team has raised over $1600 thus far which is amazing! I’m so grateful for all the support – THANK YOU!! I’m both anxious and excited for the race.
1. I hope my hip lasts. The meds better work in the morn
2. It will for sure feel different doing this as a “survivor”. Not sure what emotions will spiral throughout my body.
3. I Hope the little ones can handle the length of the walk and the crowd.
4. I’m super stoked to have a group of supporters by my side in person and spirit.
This weekend is also bittersweet because Sunday marks the 1 year anniversary of my dad passing. I imagine that will add some more emotion to the mix too. Ugh! I’m just hoping I keep it together. No need for any public breakdowns ???
So wish me luck & look for a post of all the festivities from the weekend. Again, thank you for the continued support! You all have helped to keep me going and stay positive as a SURVIVOR!
Best of luck on your walk tomorrow! You are in my thoughts & prayers!