First, I’d like to thank Nike for the amazing “Just Do It” slogan. Who would’ve thunk those 3 words could be so profound. Earlier in the week I wrote those three words on a post-it and placed it on my monitor at the office. Throughout my life I’ve been known to procrastinate and maybe more often than I’d like to admit, I’d start something and not follow through. Diets, exercise, a biz idea, etc…etc…you get the gist. Unfortunately, most of the things I put off or don’t completely execute are related to me. I put 110% into projects for others. Family, friends, the school, all benefit from my commitment. Don’t get me wrong, I ABSOLUTELY love doing all of the above, but like many women I put myself last on the list.
With that being said, 2019 is the year to put me a little higher on the list. The year to Just Do It! Some of which I won’t know until my labs return post surgery. But that which I can control will be more of a priority.
I challenge all that are reading this, especially the ladies, to do the same in 2019. If you have been putting off your mammogram, JUST DO IT! If you don’t self check your breasts, JUST DO IT! If you’re trying to quit smoking or need to eat better or exercise more, JUST DO IT!
There may not be an answer as to why I have breast cancer, but believe me when I tell you, I’ve blamed myself quite a few times the past few weeks. Would it be different if I slept more, ate better, exercised more, lost weight, drank less, never smoked, WHO KNOWS! Many who have done none of the above still end up with BC, but like always the blame game starts with ourselves.
The point of all of this is to stop putting off what is in our best interest. If we aren’t here or are too sick, we can’t take care of anyone or anything else anyway.
Great words