Today was a bit better. I managed to take a few laps around the floor while Pushing along my monitor with my 6 drain tubes clipped to a lanyard. Felt great to move. Although the initial standing position hurt like hell, it subsided a bit as I moved along. I Spent the entire day in a chair today, instead of bed. It’s much easier to get out of a recliner!
One of my visitors today gave me this fantabulous blanket (thanks Caryn) I LOVE IT!
Tomorrow is go-home day! Yay me! I’m looking forward to chilling in my own bed and/or in a recliner next to fire. I’m simultaneously a little nervous. Kind-of like that feeling after giving birth for the first time…the ride home feels like an hour, then we’re 100% in charge of that child on our own.
I’m not looking forward to dealing with these drains or potentially f’ing up my sutures or something silly. I have helpers but it’s doubtful they’ll want to empty blood drains (Ewwww Grossssss) It’s so odd to hear the docs say how great my skin and incision look. To me, it looks like I was attacked by a black sharpie?
Soooo, remember that I started this blog for a little bit of therapy but mainly in hopes to help someone else dealing with the same thing. That happened to me this afternoon. I received a FB message from a High School friend, Deanna Deen. We haven’t spoken to each other in years.
Deana said that she saw my “night before surgery”‘post WHILE SHE WAS WAITING TO GO BACK FOR A BILATERAL MASTECTOMY. She stated that she was sitting there bawling her eyes out and my post popped up and she immediately stopped crying. Just knowing another person was going through the same thing at the same time must’ve given her a little peace of mind at that moment. I’m so happy I could reach her through this blog.
Deana, if you’re reading this, thanks for reaching out!
You are not alone!
We are not alone!
It’s the final countdown! I’m glad your hospital stay is coming to an end soon and you will be able to enjoy more time with family and hopefully catch up on some much needed sleep! Your attitude through all of this is what truly inspires me! Hang in there, chica. ❤️
WOW!!!! That’s fantastic that you’re moving right along and in the road to recovery!!! YOU GOT THIS!!! You are one of the strongest women I know and this too shall pass! I LOVE that Deanna got to read your blog before going into surgery. She had to find such comfort in knowing (like you said) she’s not alone!!!! Me and my prayer warriors are still praying for you and your recovery and Deanna…you are now added to my prayers as well!!! Love you!
Dene’ you are amazing! Praying for you each day. I can tell you I think you got this beat your attitude and humor will pull you through. Your blog about your Tata’s I can only imagine. Being a top heavy person myself I have often thought how many pounds I would lose if I didn’t have a big chest. Thank you for sharing your story.