12 Days post surgery and the answer to “how are you feeling?” has graduated from “ok” to “good”! Yay me! Now, tomorrow might snack me in the face and say I told you not to jinx yourself, but it’s late afternoon and so far it feels like today is my best day both mentally and physically.
Yesterday was an amazing day when it came to family, friends, and holiday spirit but mentally was a bit of a mind-F! Physically, it wasn’t fab since it was 2 days post surgery #2 and the second day tends to be worse than the first.
Much of yesterday was amazing. Friends came to visit. We chatted, ate, and then they proceeded to hammer out wrapping all gifts for us. It was like a disorganized, organized, assembly line at Santa’s workshop. I delegated, but mostly watched and talked the whole time. Pretty sure I didn’t even touch one piece of tape, paper or scissors. Brings tears to my eyes just reminiscing. The morning festivities were followed by a fly-by cookie drop-off by an incognito mom from the school. I try to attend the annual cookie exchange with fellow SBS moms and for obvious reasons couldn’t this year. BUT they made sure I felt included by dropping off a tray for us❤️ Later, Dinner was dropped off again by another mom from the school. While the hubs was off finishing any last minute gift purchases (aka “dropping” – drinking & shopping) for us with his friends, I was fireside with Gina and Julia watching the Santa Clause 2 movie.
Maria and her 9 friends were not-so-quietly hanging at the house and helping make sure the food was eaten. They checked on me every now & again which was cute and appreciated. The day started even earlier with some Christmas cheer as my assistant/friend/right-arm helped move the packages from my office to the house with the help of her daughter. Her car is broken down so I at least got to pay it forward a bit and let her use Maria’s car through the Holiday.
Even with all of the above amazing-ness of yesterday, I was still a bit of a head-case? I was a tad irritable, anxious and emotional. The only thing I needed to accomplish that evening was a shower. I was so excited the 48hrs post-surgery restrictions were up & I was allowed to shower. Yet, I was an emotional mess. Flipping bawling in the damn shower! ? WHY PEOPLE? WHY?! Ok, I’m choosing to FULLY blame it on the pain meds, with a touch of fatigue.
Anywho, while yesterday was filled with so much joy, laughter, and acts of kindness, today is probably still my best day since surgery. The pain is managed, the mood is solid, I’ve left the house, and have actually accomplished a few tasks on my own. It’s 4:40pm (and Michigan still sucks) and I STILL feel good, so-that’s a really good sign as well. I’m so appreciative and thankful for yesterday. I’m sure all the festivities of the day contributed to the solid nights sleep I received last night. Which is top of the list for today’s “best day” feeling as well!
Let’s keep our fingers crossed I’m not singing the opposite tone tomorrow? & Thanks again to all of you that contributed to yesterday’s amazing-ness?
Happy to hear about your best day so far. Wishing for many more to come to top this one.