
We snapped a pic of this notebefore our Elves took it off to Santa. This time of year it’s hard to put everything into perspective. The kids write their list for Santa and want everything in sight. We want them to get everything just to see the excitement in their eyes and smiles on their faces. But, often it’s just not necessary. I really want Christmas this year to be less about getting what we want and more about what we can give. I’ve always said and will continue to say that “it could always be worse”. I think if we continue to be appreciative for what we have, in the end, we realize we always had everything we wanted and most importantly, all that we need….and none of it happens to be material.

Last night was Gina’s Christmas choir show and it was super cute! Maria and I then went to the varsity basketball game to watch her boyfriend play and tonight was Julia’s gymnastics followed by Christmas tree shopping. Tomorrow the lights go up on the outside of the house and inside on the new tree. Looks like we’ll manage to get most of the holiday stuff done before Monday and some quality time with the girls!! Yay us!

Christmas tree shopping was your typical family comedy act. The oldest wants to pick the tree, the middle won’t like the tree because the oldest picked it and the youngest just loves all of the trees. It was actually pretty quick and nice and everyone agreed that the cute medium size tree would be just fab. Maria is working on the video so stay tuned for that entertainment.

So many folks from all walks of my life have sent texts, emails, FB posts offering to help and it’s beyond amazing. It’s very difficult to accept help, especially when I’m not completely clear on what to expect. It seems many may know what’s in store for me more than I do…which is a little unnerving. Each day that I get closer to this surgery it sinks in a little more that this shit is real. I f’ing have cancer! I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that I don’t completely get a say in what’s next. So for now, I will live in the moment. And will live by the words my father often used for years

One thought on “Perspective

  1. Love this and I hope you keep doing it. It’s hard for me to talk to you about this because I’m the one that has to stay strong. Please know that this is the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. I know you will be fine but I have to admit I am scared.

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