Mam-mam-mam-mammogram! Mam-Mam-mam-mammogram! Mammo-graaaaaam – get it doooone- keep ’em rocking and rolling – bouncing to the rhythm – mammogram!!! (sang to the tune of Beach Boys, Barbara Ann)
I was reminded the other night by an old friend why I started this blog. She FB messaged me to let me know that one of blog compelled her to get her mammogram that she had been putting off. A few other friends and family members have mentioned the same to me. Thankfully all have been clean as a whistle! Her message reminded me that I want this blog to help others. I want my transparency to move folks to react and put themselves first.
I’ve said it before & will say it again, and again…get your mammograms! For the men reading this, remind your ladies to get ‘er done! Put yourselves first, because you are worth it! It’s a little discomfort for peace of mind. Remember 1 of 8 will be diagnosed. How about we help the movement to improve those odds. Spread the word to your friends and family over 40 to make sure they’re not putting off their care. We take our children to doctors appointments, nag our husbands to pay attention to their health, yet many of us ignore ours.
I had my first mammogram 2 years late. That first mam lead to biopsies of 3 spots. Two were nothing, one was “suspicious” and biopsied as a phyloides tumor. It was removed surgically, and benign. Just TWO years later I had another lump 1 inch from the benign tumor. This time it was cancer…I missed a mammogram in June. My previous ultrasound was 11 months prior to diagnosis. Would the tumor been found if I went in June? Would my path be the same? Who knows! But procrastination got me nowhere…never has & never will.
Ladies – get your business taken care of! Pick up the phone NOW and make the apt. If you’ve been holding out for national “smash my boobs day” it’s not on the calendar yet, so make it happen yourself.
A friend sent me a card with the saying on the front…”slay all day”. She’s a survivor too. We’ve only met once and she’s sent me 2 cards and met for lunch. Her battle had been a bit longer, but she’s in the homestretch for 5 years clear. When I refer back to Amazing – shes part of that club. How thoughtful to think of me and cheer me on as almost a complete stranger. Thanks Liz Magee! You’re one of a kind❤️
I feel like I need to carry that “slay all day” attitude with me daily. You should too! Most of us already slay all day. We wear so many hats and change them often throughout the day. Men & women alike…we’re busy with many roles. My version of “slay all day” is going to be a little different. I want to put me first more often. Even with just small things like; stretching in the morning, or trying to meditate daily, making sure I continue to juice daily, exercise more, get more rest/sleep. All of those things that are FOR ME have historically been the ones that go to the wayside. I’ll always wonder if the many years of me putting myself last made my body revolt and cancer grow, but I can’t change the past. I can simply own my present and future. So I’m saying it to the world now that I’m committing to take care of ME as much as I’ve taken care of everyone else in my life. Some might call it selfish, others call it smart, I’m calling it slaying!
So “Slay all Day” people! Make time for you today and every day! Start by scheduling that mammogram or asking a friend/family member if they’ve scheduled theirs. ?
YEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!! ?????