Taxol countdown

Now that the 4 “red devil” treatments are part of the past, the Taxol countdown is on!! 1 down, 11 to go. I’m much more optimistic about this stretch of treatments. Doc says it’s going to be easier, so that’s what I’m banking on! I’m hoping it’s time to exercise, enjoy the warmer weather and live my life like a “normal” person a bit more. I’m helping with Gina’s softball team and Julia’s “Little Spiker” clinic and basically gonna refuse to let chemo kill 2 of my favorite days of the week.

Last night I barely slept! Maybe 2 full hours. Not sure why, maybe the treatment change and feeling of the unknown again. Maybe was in a high from teaching volleyball to K-3rd grade girls with Maria for 2.5 hours. Who knows, but it wasn’t fun tossing and turning all night.

I’m such a fan of Wednesday & Thursdays! They’re my favorite days and now with chemo every Thursday I’ve noticed my mood starts to shift on Wednesday’s as the day goes on and I’m starting to dread my those favorite days ?Soooo I think I’ll just start boozing every Wednesday and go to chemo hungover “college style” KIDDING! I’ll be coaching or watching one of the 3 sports the girls have going on this Spring, so hopefully the Wednesday evening mood will stay chipper. I’m much better with distraction to keep the mind off of what’s next.

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