
Saturday was priceless and an evening that I’ll cherish and remember forever. The support near and far is beyond my comprehension. Everyone knows someone & unfortunately many know more than one that have or are battling breast cancer. The stats are depressing. But what’s infectious and takes away all the statistics, pain, tears, anger, scars and fear, is love and the why.

Why? Why I’m putting my world out to the rest of the world to see, Why I choose to laugh while trying on a wig, Why I make a joke after the last long strand of hair is shaved, Why I use terms like Barbie Boobs & Baldilocks, Why I will take any Medication, injection, treatment, advice…you name it, that will benefit me and keep me on this earth for as long as possible, I do it all because of love & MY Why, which is always & will forever be, My FAMILY!

I will speak to my children about every step of treatment to the extent that they want to know. I will own the decisions I’m making even if internally they’re ripping me apart, I will stay strong for my husband when he’s having a bad moment. I will answer questions, take the pill, eat the food and drink the juice because of them. I also truly hate missing out on life, in general, therefore if the man upstairs decides to take me earlier than anticipated, whether that be 5 or 15 or 25 years from now he better be ready for one angry Mexican because I.WILL.BE.MAD! The only upside to an early entrance through the pearly gates would be seeing those I’ve lost…but they can wait! And if I get a say in the matter, they WILL be waiting for a long long time. If FOMO is a thing, I’ve got it?

My neighbor stopped by on her way out of town to Stowe Saturday morning to give me a giant hug, wish me luck on Adios hair night and remind me that one day this will pass and I will find myself going multiple days where cancer has not even crossed my mind. She is a 15 year Breast Cancer survivor. I look forward to the day we toast watching a sunset from her beautiful deck overlooking the river after I’ve I called her to say…it didn’t cross my mind yesterday. NOT ONCE! Today that seems so far away, but it’s out there. It’s such a simple statement, yet so profound.

I’d love to request some interaction from this post if you don’t mind. Please take a moment and honor a fighter. Someone whom you watched fight this battle or any cancer battle. Whether you’re seeing this on my blog page or via social media. The battle is real and the love, support, respect I’ve received from so many of you is overwhelming and appreciated beyond words, but today I want to honor and pay respect to other strong men and women that have won the battle, are fighting the battle, or sadly lost the battle. Because each and every person that faces the C-word has their own “Why” they are battling and I only pray their Why is as amazing as mine❤️ I love you Jimmy, Maria, Gina, Julia and the rest of my extended family. YOU ARE MY WHY!

Let’s expand upon my list of those I’d like to honor today (and everyday) that have, are, did battle by sharing their name in the comments below:

Pauline Rocha, Jose’ Rocha, Garnet Dixon, Alison Wood, Clara Woolever, Sue Lintz, Heidi Paredes-Rodriguez, Nancy Paredes, Lori Henderson, Ann Jones, Joy Bair, Debbie Czerwinski, Liz Magee, Krystal Hanley, Taura Auddino, Amanda Lee, Ashley Poland….

15 thoughts on “Why

  1. ❤️Paula Gillespie, my mother fought both breast cancer and cervical cancer at same time. She’s stronger than an person I’ve ever known.
    ❤️ My BFfL is living and fighting metastatic breast cancer and some day it will take her life. We live and love as much as we can now and don’t think about when that day will come.
    ❤️ Dene, you are an incredible inspiration and source of strength. I love reading your blog. Your positivity is overwhelming and hopefully inspires and provides others with hope.

  2. Praying for you everyday Dene, along with Dave Geronimo, Alicia Pangrac, Devanie Doran, and all who are battling this awful disease. I am also happy and thankful to honor my mother-in-law, Sue Ducat, who is a breast cancer survivor.

  3. Dene,
    Your posts are true inspiration! You are beautiful!
    Honoring my Dad, a survivor & our dear friend Mike Babin, battling hard!

  4. Dene, you are a champion in this fight! Many names come to mind, but I especially think of Lori (a survivor), Lynn (who recently finished her battle), Charlie (a fighter for many years), & Dave (who began chemo today). You are such an inspiration!

  5. My mom and sister, my grandma and aunt, Wendy Ward, Sandy Bahantka, Maureen Kraft, Fran Deree, Sister Joanne.

  6. Honoring my Mom, Violet Pastorial, who passed away from Pancreatic Cancer 6 years ago and my Aunt Susie who is currently in her fight against Stage 3 Breast Cancer. Thank you Dene!

  7. This one made me cry. You have always been such a strong woman Dene, and sharing your journey only proves that point further. Much love to you

    Honoring my friend who is only a step ahead of you in this fight, Michele Oldenquist

  8. Kathie, Susan, Angie & Cindy ????
    ??❤️ for all in remission, all that are battling it and the family’s and friends supporting them!

  9. Janet George, Alicia Pangrac, Josh Heyman, Sharon Hobbs, Katie Secord and many many many others that I have taken care of over the 20 plus years as an oncology nurse. NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE! ❤️❤️

  10. Honestly, my list is sooo long…it’s a cruel disease and impacting way too many people that I know. My short list includes a friend who was recently diagnosed…two friends and a first cousin who are within five years from diagnosis: Amy, Marty, Valida and Rebecca. Big love and strength to you all!!

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